How Harbor Hope Center Changing Lives

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Harbor Hope Center
2023 Highlights

Meals Provided
Bed Nights Provided
Got Permanent Housing
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Who We Are

Harbor Hope Center of Washington.

A private, non-profit organization established to serve individuals and families experiencing homelessness, poverty, and hunger.
Happy Members
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Provide-a-Home Program


Mentoring Program


Transportation Program

Join Our Program

Break the cycle of homelessness among Washington’s youth

We want people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to be able to cycle, hike or exercise safely, easily and enjoyably.

We want a cleaner, happier and healthier world. We want people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to be able to cycle safely, easily and enjoyably.

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Ross Marlow

Chairman, UnityPress Club

We are grateful to our awesome sponsors. Thank you!

We need your immediate support to pay for housing and program expenses, operate our weekly mentoring, parenting, transportation and other urgent services and more beds for homeless and at-risk students.